v2.3.0: Lock Route + Select Alternative Route Plans

SquareRoute v2.3.0 released!

The latest version of SquareRoute, with our biggest ever update to route planning.

Route Locking

When you have a route order you are happy with you can now lock it in by clicking the clicking the “lock” button on the Route tab. Once the route is locked, the order will remain fixed; if you add more stops to a locked route, the stops will be added in a way that keeps your overall route plan as close as possible to the original.

This allows you to plan your route in advance so you know the approximate areas you will visit at each point along your day, allowing you to provide reliable time estimates to each step along your route. You can also load your vehicle according to your locked order, knowing that your delivery order will not shift around during the day.

Alternate Route Plan Selector

Accidentally re-optimized your route?

Prefer the route order you had earlier?

No problem!

You can now choose between various alternate route plans, as well as return to any previous route plan that was ever assigned to your route.

This is an advanced feature which is still in Beta, so we would love to hear from you about how we can make this better. Get in touch via the in-app chat to provide suggestions if you have them.

Happy Routing!


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